Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meeting Mary Jane Butters

Saturday, I took a little gal time.
There's a new store in town.  And Mary Jane Butters was going to be there. 

Herberger's opened a lovely department store with great lighting, clothing, cosmetics, home goods, and a fantastic selection of women's shoes : ).   I went back with my kiddo for some pants, 'cause ya know, school has been in session for almost 3 months ... so, of course a few pair are too short!  If you haven't been in already, put it on your list.  It's great to have a nice department store in Pocatello!  (Just in case you were wondering, I do have not connection to Herberger's, this is most definitely not a paid post.  If you have some connection there, leave a comment, how fun!)

Mary Jane Butters is an author, organic farmer, magazine publisher, wood-worker, seamstress, entrepreneur, grandmother, and more.  She is a self described farmgirl.  

Mary Jane and her daughter, Megan, told some stories, spoke about their organic products, blogs (yes, multiple), the magazine,  and the sisterhood of farmgirls they have connected.  They reside just outside of Moscow, Idaho.  Mary Jane also spoke about her new book, "Glamping".  Restoring a vintage trailer, instructions on how to hitch it yourself, and cocktail parties at the campsite ... sign me up!

The connection with Herberger's?  You can find organic bedding, towels, and lovely Holiday pillows from Mary Jane's line in Herbergers.

These lovely gals also had some lovely giveaways.  I felt a little unprepared as Mary Jane began going thru her purse, explaining what she had with her to always be prepared, this farmgirl.   My orange (thrifted) cowgirl boots did offer a little comfort.

 (Photo take at Swore Farm while pumpkin gathering!)

 I did, however, have and use a voice recorder when she brought hers out of her purse.  Hers was a handheld recorder.  Mine is on my iphone, but the theory was the same.  You never know when you'll be struck with a great idea ... and if you don't get it 'recorded' right then, you might loose it!  Besides the voice recorder, I use the heck out of my notes page and camera as a means to snag those points of inspiration as I come across them.

So, of course I needed a pic of this book.  The book she gave me for the kindred voice recorder!  A book full of ideas, inspiration, and best of all;  get it done instructions and motivation!  You can visit her blog here ( and go exploring from there!  I've already started a burlap project from here current magazine, MaryJanes Farm.

Speaking of magazines and projects, have you picked up a copy of  the Nov/Dec Pocatello Magazine yet?  You'll find yours truly with and article about 'Re-graced Gifts' for the upcoming season!  Also remember to catch me on facebook, and add your email address so new posts head straight to your inbox!

To the farmgirl in us all,

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